Saturday, July 2, 2011

When Love and Hate collide

A conversation with a dear friend triggered off writing this post. I was asked if I could ever hate someone I loved. The answer came from me without a pause. You cant hate someone you truly loved. How much ever you try, it just does not happen. Does that mean something is wrong with you? Not one bit - Hate is way too extreme an emotion. And when you love with all your heart and soul, there is simply no room for hatred.

So people who meant a lot to you don't talk to you, dear friends move to different countries, you nurse a broken heart for a long time, your long distance relationship collapses like a pack of cards, your lover does not feel the same way about you anymore, your best friend is now someone else s best friend, your soul-mate, soul sister, soul brother has not called you in years - you just fell apart with each other. Sound familiar? We've all been through one of these situations. If you feel hatred for someone for any one or more of these situations, know that you've then not loved the person a 100%. There is simply no room for it :-) 

Love is a strong emotion as well - few are lucky to experience unconditional love. The purest form being the love your mum has for you. You could be a rascal of a child, however you can still crawl back into mummy's arms and feel loved. You're forgiven-just like that. You may not need to dig too deep or look too far to remember moments when you've experienced love in purity. Hatred just does not feature in the scheme of things. No you're not being noble and self sacrificing because you don't hate - you're acknowledging yourself for being able to look beyond the fact that someone is no longer a part of your life in the present and may not even be in the future, but in the past this person made you feel super special with his or her love for you. Remember that feeling, breathe that feeling in, revel in it once in a while.  Sadness may take over when your heart yearns for that feeling again, and a tear of longing may roll down your cheek, but rest assured you'll smile thinking that you are incapable of feeling hatred for that person for the love was just so beautiful.

This monsoon, I wish for you moments filled with love. 
Moments with your dear ones filled with joy and happiness. 
And if ever you feel lonely know that you're capable of being loved. 
And that you're capable of sharing that love too. 
And when all else seems lost and anger and hatred threaten to take over, 
You step back and fill yourself with the belief that 
Love and only love will help you sail through your moment of doubt.


  1. Wowowww! So true. Very thoughful artcile. Brings in a deep insight on how honestly do you love actually. Thanks!

  2. :)) It was an insightful conversation with my friend sush and it was easy to word the thoughts :)

  3. I think this is very interesting and the second read made me realize a lot more. I guess its easier to let go and blame and hard to stand by things and people you love without strings attached!
