Saturday, June 4, 2011

Splishy Splashy Sploshy

June 2, day before yesterday - It was a beautiful evening. I've had the rare good luck to be at out of office the last few weeks and hence enjoy many a sunset. I've always been a sunset kind of person and I was at my window (lucky to have a fabulous view too!) checking out the clouds gather. Dad happened to come by and we were chatting by the window and contemplating if it'll drizzle.

I casually told him that we could expect the pre-monsoon thunder and lightning which I love. 10 mins later, it started drizzling. We were so excited that we ran up to the terrace and in a matter of minutes the skies opened!!! Big pellets of water hit us - there was a wonderful cool breeze and there was lightning and thunder all around us - it was like being in a storm! We spent half an hour up on the terrace - Dad and I, laughing like kids and getting soaked in the first rain of the season. It was so much fun!!! My happy splishy splashy moment with Pa :))

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