Thursday, December 30, 2010

Month of Joy

December has been such a lovely month. I've not quite been able to put a finger on it, but the smallest of things have brought a lot of joy. Even untoward incidents have been easier to deal with. Someone rightly said, what you put inside you, is what comes outside (Emotions and feeling wise duh ;-) ). And thats how its been.
So even though I've had a flat tire (again!), had a scare with a "just-miss" accident on a highway, have had show downs with people at work, have had a few unpleasant incidents (non-work) show up, have had a bad skin and hair month, had a bad online shopping experience, dad in the hospital, my sis having an accident, (Gosh all this in one month) and its all been OK.
On the plus side, I had a nice short vacation with family, some amazing parties with great friends, a LOT OF LOVE from my family, a beautiful Christmas weekend with family and friends, unexpected gifts :D, shopped (not online though!), made new friends, bonded with old and just generally been very contented. There's been a sense of calm and even though the occasional trouble has come my way, its been easier to deal with.
Its the perfect end to a very good year.
And as dawns the new year, on my wish list is an abundance of health, wealth, prosperity, spiritual growth, happiness, peace and love. Bring it on 2011 :-))


  1. Yea, bring it on 2011 !

    For you Dear Tejal ,

    I hope and pray you get hitched ( Dont block me from this blog pulise :)), have a great and lavish Indian wedding, take a backpack trip to Europe, finish your course, find something interesting at work ( even if its not with me , its ok :()...

    Love and prayers,

  2. Dearest Anita,

    No way am I blocking you from my blog :-))

    I love your wishlist for me. Big hug to you for that!

    May you have a rocking 2011 as well!

    Lots of love,
